Application targeting spreadsheets for meters
This simple Excel spreadsheet makes it easy to quickly calculate the flow rate or run time needed to apply the amount of lagoon nitrogen you want when using a flow meter and throttling valve. Enter the acres and expected irrigation run time for each field, choose a reasonable expected lagoon concentration from a list, and the program will generate a data sheet populated with the needed gpm or lagoon pump run time for each field.
This data sheet is then printed and given to the irrigator, who adjusts the throttling valve for each field according to the instructions. Record the actual start and stop times, meter totalizer readings and weather data on the same sheet.
Target GPM Calculator software (Spring 2011)
- Calculates the lagoon pump gpm or run time that will result in the desired nitrogen application rate for each field, check or set
- Print a irrigator data sheet with target gpm and run time targets for each location, with space to write irrigation start and stop times, flow meter gallons or pond levels, plus weather data
- Calculate nitrogen application amounts for both available and total nitrogen
- Alerts if your calculated flow rate could result in pump damage or pipeline plugging
- Select lagoon samples from a custom list of default concentrations or previous lab results
- Manage up to 10 locations (fields, checks or sets) at a time
- Archive and restore application target data from each irrigation event
- Check application rates during the irrigation using a handy calculator
- Estimate the total volume of lagoon water that will be needed for each location and for the entire irrigation
- Fast and easy tools to automatically complete the remaining fields after the first field's parameters have been entered
- Generate a stand-alone QuickOffice spreadsheet to upload to your smartphone for in-field adjustments during the irrigation
This version is the spreadsheet is blank:
Target gpm calculator v 7-25-2011
Spreadsheet populated with example data:
Sample Target GPM calculator v 7-25-2011
These spreadsheets require Excel 2007 or later. A free trial of Microsoft Office 2010 (which includes Excel) may be downloaded from the Microsoft Website
Instructions for using this spreadsheet:
Flow Meter GPM Calculator Instructions
Line-by-line help for using this spreadsheet are here:
Target application tool for meters definitions
These following instructions for using a flow meter and throttling valve to apply a specific application rate of lagoon liquid manure nutrients assume you are using tables, but may also be helpful when using this spreadsheet until more specific spreadsheet instructions are written:
How to Apply a Target Rate of Lagoon Nitrogen Using a Flow Meter
note: The RB5 instructions for recording weather information have changed. The data sheet generated by this program will be updated to reflect these changes once there is an approved interpretation of these new requirements.