Recordkeeping Tools for Flow Meters
This field record sheet has a place to record irrigation run times, flow meter data, and weather information for each application when you use a flow meter. There is also a place to write targeting information such as the target gpm or hours pump run time to help the irrigator know how to set the flow rate so that the right amount is applied.
Field Data Sheet for Flow Meters
You have several options for managing your data once the application is complete. While many operators choose to hire a service to calculate application rates for compliance purposes, doing the calculations yourself is easy and gives feedback in time to make in-season adjustments.
If you are most comfortable doing the calculations by hand, here are tools to make this easy.
Recordkeeping for Meters: Hand Calculation
Keeping a running total of applied nutrients is easy using these Excel spreadsheets. Use the information to make management decisions that will help you get the best crop yields by making in-season adjustments as needed and also there will be no surprises when it is time to prepare your annual report to the water board.