Target GPM tables for flow meters
Here's how to use look up tables to set the flow rate for an application:
How to Apply a Target Rate of Lagoon Nitrogen Using a Flow Meter
These tables provide an easy way to look up what gpm will provide the desired application rate depending on irrigation run time and concentration in the pond.
We often see these tables printed on cardstock and laminated or put in sheet protectors so that they can be kept in the pickup and used to make adjustments to flow rates as needed.
Choose the set you need based on how long it takes to irrigate one acre.
Irrigation run times between 10 minutes and 40 minutes per acre:
gpm table 30 to 40 lb N 10-40 minutes
gpm table 50 to 60 lbs N 10-40 minutes
gpm table 70 to 80 lbs N 10-40 minutes
Irrigation run times between 20 minutes and 2 hours per acre:
gpm table 30 to 40 lb N 20 min-2 hrs
gpm table 50 to 60 lbs N 20 min-2 hrs
gpm table 70 to 80 lbs N 20 min-2 hrs
Irrigation run times from one to seven hours per acre:
gpm table 30 to 40 lbs N 1-7 hours
gpm table 50 to 60 lbs N 1-7 hours
gpm table 70 to 80 lbs N 1-7 hours
If you need to set determine the amount of time to run the lagoon pump, those tables are here: